Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama planning to force Wounded Soldiers (and their private insurance providers) to pay for medical treatment.

I know. My jaw dropped when I red it too. Somehow, the Obama White House does something everyday to top the incredulity of the day before. Read the story from Yahoo News here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnw/20090316/pl_usnw/the_american_legion_strongly_opposed_to_president_s_plan_to_charge_wounded_heroes_for_treatment

Obama is essentially creating a house of cards (exactly like the one which fell and left us in a financial mess). He is pushing off every federal obligation which does not fit into his agenda of reshaping the nature of the American political system, so that he can pretend that we can afford his unprecedented spending. If you think Bernie Madoff is a crook for setting up a $65 billion ponzi scheme (if you don't know what a ponzi scheme is, Wikipedia can help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme ), take a look at the + $10 trillion ponzi scheme that is the Obama Budget. Paying for current "benefits" with the money of future generations is simply unsustainable.

At any rate, Obama's move to hold soldiers and their private insurance liable for the cost of treating their wounds received in service to our country will be a disaster for our wounded warriors. First, how is this at all morally justifiable? We send the soldiers into battle (similar to a private business putting workers on the ground) and then tell a private entity that they have to pay the costs? Second, Anyone want to guess what's now going to happen to the cost of an insurance policy for a serviceman or woman? Yep, this is only going to increase their costs because the insurance companies know that now they are going to be on the hook for treating our veterans. Third, this is really a brash taking of private property without due process of law! (something Obama is clearly comfortable with) The insurance companies who are now going to have to pay for these treatments will have to do so initially under policies that were priced without considering the possibility of covering these costs. The hits just keep coming!

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